We want you here!
School attendance is the combined responsibility of the student, the parents and the school. A student can readily make up missed assignments, but missed time in the classroom cannot be replaced. Therefore, for a student to realize their full learning potential, daily class attendance is important. A full description of attendance practices can be found in the Roosevelt Elementary Student Handbook. The following guidelines regarding tardies and absences have been set:
- Tardy - Any student who arrives at school after the 8:20 bell in the morning
- Unexcused tardy - Students coming late to school without a note or parent contact. Excessive unexcused tardies will result in disciplinary action.
- Morning absence - Students coming after 8:45 AM are considered absent for the A.M.
- Afternoon absence - Students leaving before 2:45 p.m. are considered absent for the P.M.
Please call our office to report your child's absence at 218-847-1106.